Mr. Trump Goes to Davos (and embarrasses the U.S. again)
Mr. Trump just can't help himself. Today, at the World Economic Forum at Davos, a meeting of the world's elite and rich, Mr. Trump blatantly admitted to obstructing the House in its investigations. During a press conference, Mr. Trump said "Honestly, we have all the material. They (the House of Representatives) don't have the material" in answer to a question regarding the ongoing impeachment trial, one of the articles of which is obstructing Congress.
Mr. Trump stood up on the world stage and bragged about doing the very thing for which he and his administration are on trial. The arrogance and hubris on display daily is galling. He knows that the spineless GOP-run Senate will provide cover for him. He is admitting his guilt and flaunting the unaccountability for his actions that he has grown used to throughout a life filled with shady deals and gross illegalities. And this is on top of his downplaying of soldiers' injuries sustained during the blowback missile attack by Iran, calling the TBIs suffered by U.S. military personnel as "headaches" and "not too bad." During his Davos visit, he also ignorantly dismissed concerns about climate change, whined about TIME Magazine giving his Person of the Year Award to Greta Thunberg and claimed that the U.S. was the #1 place in the universe (I guess that the new Space Force was set up to defend this claim). Mr. Trump also revealed his agenda in drastically cutting all of those terrible entitlements like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security after his self-prophesied reelection and the huge economic expansion the U.S. will assuredly experience in the next year.
I really don't believe that the impeachment trial will result in Mr. Trump's removal from office unless there are enough GOP Senators brave enough to face down Trump's stubby Tweeting thumbs and the haranguing of the Fox propaganda crew. The reign of Trumpism must end, though, with the 2020 Election and it must end unequivocally with such a resounding defeat that no credence can possibly be given to the expected claims of cheating, tampering, etc. that will most likely come from the Oval Office and be megaphoned by the right-wing mediasphere.
For those of us who see what Trumpism actually is, a move towards right wing authoritarianism and eventual tyranny, we must continue to call out the prevarications, lies, cover ups, assaults on our rights, gaslighting, obfuscations, stark cruelty, etc. that seem to go on constantly, even though it is so exhausting. Just as importantly, we must also demand from the leadership in opposition to Trumpism the way forward to a more just, more equal, fairer society that does not cater to the will of the wealthiest American demographic. These two things are inextricably linked, for if Trumpism is successfully deposited in that great dustbin of history but the social and economic situations of vast swaths of the electorate are not improved, it will only be a short matter of time before another Trumpist arises. The next time, it may be a demagogue much smarter and much subtler than the current gilded wannabe monarch that currently resides in the White House.